About us

Über uns

Our Mission

«We promote the economy in Muttenz in the interest of its citizens. To this end, we offer a platform for networking, exchange, and further development to both local companies and those interested in settling here. We enable innovation by bringing together key players from business and education, the public, and the community, creating an environment in Muttenz where companies and their employees can thrive. We leverage existing potential, for example, by expanding infrastructure and strengthening the local economic ecosystem.»

At the inaugural meeting on April 8, 2024, our board decided on the following composition:


Dr. Felix Hanisch, Site Lead Bayer CropScience, Muttenz


Tamara Hersperger, HR Lead, alltech Installationen AG, Muttenz

Board Members

Jörg Salzmann, Head of Trading&Active Advisory BLKB

Markus Oberholzer, President KMU Muttenz

Dr. Alain Bai, Deputy Mayor, Head of Finance Department

Franziska Stadelmann, Mayor

Board Members

About us

from left to right: Dr. Alain Bai, Franziska Stadelmann, Tamara Hersperger, Dr. Felix Hanisch, Jörg Salzmann, Markus Oberholzer

Our Advisory Council

About us

from left to right: Heike Wach, Arthur Gebhardt, Pascal Löw, Dr. Urs Hirt, Dominique Tellenbach, (Thomas Kübler absent)

The board is supported by an advisory council, composed of the following individuals:

Arthur Gebhardt, Head Site Development, GETEC Schweiz AG

Thomas Kübler, Head Economic Development Kanton Basellandschaft

Pascal Löw, Operations Manager Florin AG

Dominique Tellenbach, Principal Berufsbildungszentrum BL

Dr. Urs Hirt, Managing Director Staufen.Inova AG

Heike Wach, Gender Consultant

The Founding Board and Their Motivation for the Business Location Muttenz:

Franziska Stadelmann (Gemeindepräsidentin Muttenz):

«We want to actively manage the business location Muttenz, and the great existing potential should be utilized.»

Dr. Alain Bai (Gemeindevizepräsident Muttenz):

«The municipality thrives on a diverse economy. From SMEs to globally operating corporations, we want to give back to and promote the economy, so that we do not fall behind in the intense regional competition.»

Dr. Felix Hanisch (Standortleiter Bayer CropScience Schweiz AG):

«With our over 275 employees at the Muttenz location, we rely on a supportive environment. We are also committed to the Muttenz location to strengthen access to qualified workers.»

Tamara Hersperger (Mitglied Geschäftsleitung Alltech AG):

«As a company with many apprentices, we depend on access to young talent. With the aim of further promoting the construction industry, we are happy to support this initiative.»

Beat Huesler (Präsident Verein KMU Muttenz):

«In my many years of experience as the president of KMU Muttenz, I have repeatedly noticed that large companies often lack a con-tact person. I hope that the hybrid form of WiFöM will provide short and fast communication paths with active support.»

Jörg Salzmann (Ressortleiter BLKB):

«I want to give something back to my home community and contribute to further enhancing Muttenz's attractiveness as a business location so that ultimately every resident benefits.»

You can find the association's statutes here

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